Unite members at St Mungo's Broadway are absolutely furious! They believe the changes to their terms and conditions imposed by the new senior management will rip the heart and soul out of their organisation. They have imposed significantly reduced pay and terms and conditions for new starters and all staff in restructures, downgraded policies and procedures and taken pay out of collective bargaining. Our 650 Unite members will not stand by and watch this happen and that is why they voted by 96% for strike action. Stand in solidarity with St Mungo's Broadway workers by sending a protest email to the Chairman and the CEO calling on them to enter into talks with Unite to find an alternative way forward? Click here to send an email to support these workers These workers are deeply concerned at the effect strike action will have on the homeless people that use St Mungo's Broadway services, but they are more concerned at the long-term negative effects of the proposals. Cheap labour, downgraded roles, staff working under minimum standard policies and procedures are never a path to quality in social care. Join me in asking St Mungo's Broadway CEO and Chair back to talks with Unite to avoid a further deterioration in social care standards.
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